Rwanda: Government Requested to Encourage Gender Balance in Agriculture Sector
Conseil de Concertation des Organisations d'Appui aux Initiatives de Base

CCOAIB (Conseil de Concertation des Organisations d'Appui aux Initiatives de Base) in Rwanda that aims to promote the emergence of small organizations and initiatives in development requests that National budget include money for gender balance problem solving in agriculture sector.


According to the organization, it is commonly found that men and women don't have the same rights on properties from agriculture where a woman does all the labour farming and then the husband sells the produce and takes a lion's share.


CCOAIB said that that money in the national budget can be used to sensitize both men and women about their rights and to participate in modern type of farming.


Some of men and women agree to this and said that there is a produce a woman cannot touch at and has no right over even if she labored for it by cultivating it, taking care of it and harvesting it and many of men after selling this produce they use the money for drinking alcohol and sometimes give it to other women.


Jean Claude Ngendandumwe the executive secretary of CCAOIB said that though such behaviours are found in many families, there is no money set aside to solve them in the National budget that is why they are asking the government to think about that and include that money in the budget so that women can have the same rights as men on what they produce.


The reason to why women have to be supported to have the same rights as men in agriculture sector is because about 80% of the Rwandan populations survive on agriculture. Though the problem of gender of balance has been tackled and is almost solved in Rwanda, in agriculture the gender balance has not been worked upon.

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